a) a homeless guy
b) a metrosexual homeless guy
c) an Australian tourist
d) coach Bill Belichick of the NFL's New England Patriots
(Bonus points if you understand the convoluted reference in choice "c")
The answer, of course, is "d" but it would be understandable if you guessed "b" (most SD girls did). The sweatshirt isn't the exact one Belichick wears, and he sometimes wears khakis instead of track pants, but I think you get the point. I tried to do the Belichick hair part but after a full day of fauxhawing my loaf was pretty uncooperative. Belichick never wears sunglasses, but these have a working digital "spy camera" attached to the side, so I thought it appropriate. Plus I had the added bonus of being able to wear sunglasses at night and indoors, and who doesn't love that? Overall, the costume was fun to have on, but violated the First Rule of Halloween Costumes: give chicks a reason to talk to you (or alternatively, wear something with some sex appeal).
I'm holding a toy camcorder in the photo that is actually a Transformers toy. The camera "transforms" into a handgun of some sort. The gun actually looks more like a camera than the camera does. But WTF is up with Transformers that don't turn into a robot at some point? Wasn't that the whole point of the Transformers? These are robots from outer space that take on the shapes of earth objects to disguise themselves. But aren't they all robots, and not just objects that change into other objects? So I feel kind of like an A-hole for contributing real American dollars to this cheapening of the Transformer brand.
All in all, this getup is quite comfortable, and I've taken to wearing it around the house like pajamas. Maybe that's why Bill wears it in the first place.
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